My long time friend Henry Rowland of Denver heard me discussing the UFO encounters of Stan Romanek and brought to my attention a photograph which he had in his possession for over twenty five years. Henry remembers this account:He was doing landscape work for a client in California in the 1970's, and when the client finished paying him for the work he asked Henry, "Do you want to see a picture my brother took last week?" The client returned with this astonishing and detailed picture of a UFO and explained, "My brother went to the mountains last week, and while on the trip he suddenly saw this craft disappear behind a hill. He frantically ran to his car to get his camera, and in the nick of time held it up the split second when the thing reappeared again from behind the hill and shot off into the sky." Henry asked to make a contact print of the original photo, and the image below is this original one-off print.
A couple of years later Henry saw the photo (or a very similar photo, see story continued below) appear in the very first edition of Omni magazine- but mysteriously, any explanation, or caption was left out, as it was an article skeptical of UFO encounters. Henry has noted that the craft looks exactly like the UFO appearing in the very famous George Adamski photograph of decades earlier. A careful examination shows absolutely no trace of retouching and this photo was taken long before digital photo editing was even invented (I have made this scan from the original myself-N.S.), No wires or threads suspending any kind of model are at all visible. The colors are slightly faded from natural aging of the ink dyes in the print, and the edges of the photo are visible to illustrate the originality of this print (my copyright has been digitally imposed on the jpg here). More recently a very close associate of the photographer contacted me and filled me in with details concerning the history of the photo, and filled in many of the missing parts of the puzzle. The photographer prefers to keep private about anything more than a few details. The story seemed entirely legitimate upon hearing it again. I can add that the original location was not California, but Arizona, and that this encounter occurred during a mineral exploration trip. Henry concedes that his memory of details may not be perfect as the photograph was obtained nearly 25 years ago. Other than the few details clarified recently above, I have no reason whatsoever to doubt his story. Even more recently, a Turkish "photographer" contacted me after seeing Henry's photo on the web, copied it, then blurred the background of the photo and added some text. It now appears with an illegal and invalid copyright credited to him (!) on his Turkish UFO site, in which the jpeg photo thief not only accuses the photo of being a "hoax" privately to me in a email, but then turns around and publicly offers his poster for sale on his web site. Talk about lack of morals......... Obviously, the lessons of higher honest cooperative advanced intelligence has yet to be learned by some UFO buffs. (It's one thing to take your own photo of something, and another thing to copy, blur the background of someone else's photo and then call it your own. Sheeesh. ) Please enjoy our FREE UFO Poster download page
Recently I've been made aware of similar photos to this one appearing elsewhere on the net- a widely circulating email addressing this issue has come to my emailbox-- here's my reply in part:
The photo has been loaned to the web site WITH PERMISSION. Shortly after it appeared on that site, an Art Bell web visitor wrote in a very interesting observation which I reproduce here (thanks to Apparently our photo is only one of a minimum of two taken on that day...... Toby Sheets ( suggests: I was just looking at the Neil Slade photo you put up on Art's site recently (see below) and I was amazed at the resemblance to the famous X-Files "I Want to Believe" poster on Mulder's filing cabinet. I happen to have that poster on my wall in my office so I snapped a photo of it for you. Take a look at it side by side with Neil Slade photo and see if it doesn't look nearly identical except for a few minor details. It almost appears to be the same UFO at the same location but at a slightly different angle. The reflection of sunlight is a little different in both images, and the Neil Slade image appears to have 3 visible protrusions on the underside of the craft where the X-Files image has only one. Of course this could be attributed to the spinning motion the craft is most likely experiencing. Looking at the terrain in the background of the image you can clearly see the same angles in the hills and even the same trees sticking up from roughly the same locations on the hills to the right. I sent a Photoshop comparison of the two images side by side for you to check out.
If you place this photo on your web site for NON PROFIT USE (and you
are welcome to do this PROVIDED>> please CREDIT this site and