Here is the REAL deal about TD Lingo-

Trailhead: Dormant Brain Research Lab


Are you ready to walk the trail 1/2 mile up to the lab?

Up the Brain Revolution Trail.


          I do not claim to be "Denver's most advanced brain leader"- that would be self-aggrandizing. (Although flattering to see anyone say such a thing, I must admit...)


          However, in regards to my relationship with TD Lingo and "The Brain Revolution" - If that ever is questioned,


          Let us simply ask TD Lingo himself what this was, Lingo's evaluation, Lingo's  opinion, in Lingo's own words:






(See this and other and complete Letters from Lingo to your's truly

 from 1988-1993 BRAIN LAB HISTORY


So, if  you really interested in learning something about the method and techniques of

Brain Self-Control taught by T.D. Lingo from

Someone who actually knew and worked side by side with Lingo for 11 years,

and otherwise in Lingo's own words what you've read above-


Congratulations,  you've come to the right place. 



The Amazing Brain Adventure 



The Brain Book and Music Store




T.D. Lingo's Dormant Brain Lab




and Streaming Brain Radio


As for The Bizarre Truth about:

"The Life and Works of TDA Lingo" seen hiding elsewhere online-

and other idiotic commentary that may bubble up from the depths...



        Gosh.. where do I start...

          Besides the wholesale plagiarism and copyright infringement in "The Life and Works of TD Lingo",  the libelous claims made in this wholly un-original "paper"  (and in other ridiculous commentaries) are  ludicrous in the extreme.  Laughable, really...

          "Murder by alcohol", "Theft", "Prostitutes".   Good Grief.    A reality check is long overdue for a couple of people I know about.  

          Start here: BRAIN LAB HISTORY   

        Are you up to the challenge of online detective work? Use your eyes and your frontal lobes - and figure out why any person would say such things. Add up 1 + 0 and you will be rewarded with a real !Pop! between your ears, guaranteed.


          In fact, if I made public some of the emails my family and I have received from the particular person posting this junk online recently, anyone would marvel at my restraint.  However, I do sell maps to the homes of these eggheads-- $2 each in advance and all the money goes to charity.  :-)


          Fortunately, there is not a handful of people online who engage in such toddler level shenanigans aimed in my direction.  If you run into such, send them my regards, and do them a favor and buy them a popsicle. They probably don't get outside of their cell very often, and surely need some warm fuzzys. 



Above, my favorite goofy self-portrait photo :-)


          The reality is that any online false claims about myself do us all a favor. 

          People who read and believe such un-truths without doing a minimum of fact checking, people who swallow such meaningless mouse-isms without credential checking of a person creating such absurdities- gosh, I don't have time to hit the shuttlecock in a game of bad-fact-badminton. Stupid information online swallowed whole by the gullible (That's not you, 'cause you've made it this far...) cleans our collective Brain Gene Swimming Pool.

          The rotten brain-eggs have been weeded out for me. Thanks!




So, anyway, let's look at the actual public record- here is a small sample:

Best Living Tribute to T.D. Lingo-  Neil Slade & the Brain Revolutionaries:

Newspaper Cover Story Clip 1 (1999)

Newspaper Clip 2 (1995)

Newspaper Clip 3 (1988)

Newspaper Clip 4 (1990)

Newspaper Clip 5 (1990) ( 1998)  "Think!"  Page 2

and of course, details of BRAIN LAB HISTORY


          This page is what you call Brain Judo (see Lingo's comments above).

          You take a load of crap, and fertilize your garden with it, and profit from it.


          When all a person can do is sling unsubstantiated muck, they just get their own leaky shoes muddy. The harder they sling the mud, the dirtier they get, the bigger fool they appear to anyone else tuning into their lonely clown show. Honk!


          When you actually GROK Brain Self-Control-- everybody gets it. You pass it on to millions.  Nobody can take that away.


          As for myself, I continue on the Brain Revolution Way, as I did as Lingo's partner long ago, as I've done before it became a fad when nobody else cared, as I do with millions of true advanced thinkers together across the globe now-a-days-


          Welcome!  REAL Brain Explorers!  Welcome to the Brain Revolution.

The proof is in the neural pudding.



Anyone else- have a lick...






Original author and source of much the material in "The Life and Works of TD Lingo"

and other 

Neil Slade (c) All Rights Reserved


It was copied whole from:  BRAIN LAB HISTORY  (and/ or other locations)



Below is the original text and photos, copied, plagiarized, infringed upon in

"The Life and Works of TD Lingo"




T.D. Lingo's story by (c) Neil Slade

Photos and Text All Rights Reserved

"My story unfolds with me as a spearhead infantry scout for General Patton's army in World War II. The war was horrible on the front lines. My group was one of the first to arrive at Hitler's death camps to liberate the remaining survivors. After I got back home to the U.S. I went to the University of Chicago, and earned my bachelor and masters degrees in behavioral science, and almost completed my Ph.D. My experiences during the war drove me to ask but one question: "Why must I kill my brother?" To this, my school and professors had no answer. But one professor's advice was "If there is an answer to this question, it's up here," pointing to his own gray head. "The answer has got to be in the human brain, but the research hasn't yet been done in academe. You're going to have to build your own research center if you are going to solve that riddle."

"So, I dropped out of my Ph.D. program and started to figure out how to put my own research facility together. I didn't have any money, but I could tell a good story! So, I figured, if there was a fortune to be made in a hurry, maybe I could do it in show business...Turns out I was right...I bought this mountain and built this place with a guitar, three chords, and nine folk songs."

"I started out playing the local joints around Denver, and eventually I landed a spot on Groucho Marx's You Bet Your Life TV show in Hollywood. I wore these old buckskins and I played the part of a backwoods mountain man to perfection. It was during that appearance that a New York producer spotted me. He must have said "I know a good phony when I see one, and that son of a bitch is a great one!" They flew me out to New York City and signed me to do a summer replacement show on NBC. My show was a weekly one where the "new" fad of folk singing (in the late 50's) was featured. People like Burl Ives and Woody Guthrie showed up as guests, and performed with me. What a time we had...and I got paid $2000 an hour to do it!

On the last show, I looked straight into the camera and asked the million viewers who were watching, "If anybody out there has a mountain to sell, call me." And sure enough, somebody called me up right from Colorado. At the end of the summer, I took my money, two grocery sacks full, and ran! I gave one to the IRS and I bought this place, Laughing Coyote Mountain, with the other. I started to axe timber and build log cabin labs. That was in 1957. No sterile formaldehyde bleak lab walls for me...give me fresh air and the beautiful sounds of the forest to think clearly!"


"For the next 30 years I dedicated myself totally to exploring behavior from the perspective of the human brain. My staff and I looked at every available bit of scientific research and philosophic/religious literature on the subject. We ran our own short and long term experiments with 309 test subjects. Now, up here, this environment of rugged mountain wilderness provides a total focus into the self that never can be replicated in any city, with all the noise and distractions. Up here, there's no electricity, no TV, or movies, no four lane highways to get away from it all. You ARE away from it all! 

Up here, you face yourself, your mind, and your brain. The brain lab still doesn't have electrical power lines, or even running water. It's just you, the hand water pump, a wood stove, and your central nervous system. Our lab's records grew voluminous. These log structures were crammed full of file cabinets. The books line the walls from the stone floors to the ceiling rafters, 18 feet up. In the end, we discovered the mechanisms to release startling new intelligence, creativity, and pleasure, inside each and every human brain. And all our findings are supported and corroborated with foundation findings by scientists elsewhere."


Original Photo © Neil Slade



Original Photo © Neil Slade



Original Photo © Neil Slade



Original Photo © Neil Slade



Diagram © Neil Slade




Original Photo © Rocky Mountain News by Permission (modified frame)

(I obtained the original from the newspaper for Lingo when it appeared as the cover story)





The remainder of photos seen  in the  “Life and Works of TDA Lingo”

are reproduced without permission  (c) Annie Dhouly




Also of note:



TD Lingo Documentary Film Copyright 1979  Peter Garrity, by permission.

Original and Exclusive Digital Transfer by Neil Slade from Lingo's own 16mm print- Part 1, 2, 3





 The Self-Transcendence Workbook II is a privately owned archived unpublished manuscript, 

secured in whole from the Estate of TD Lingo by Harmony A. and N.S.

The copyright page has been removed online, replaced by public domain and

Creative Commons claims  that are entirely erroneous and fabricated.


For details see BRAIN LAB HISTORY


For more information: 


The Amazing Brain Adventure 



The Brain Book and Music Store




T.D. Lingo's Dormant Brain Lab




and Streaming Brain Radio




















TDLingo  TDA Lingo T.D.A. Lingo T.D. Lingo