If you're one of those people who have wondered what this crop circle thing is all about, here's a little info I received while in The Frontal Lobe Zone early this morning (The FLZ is this place you can hang out after dreamtime, early in the morning and receive all kinds of truthful normal-paranormal info)-
Crop circles are intelligent communication from a bunch of non-physical entities we can call "The Field Painters". Of course you could also call them ZwboX94 and that would make about as much sense. Their mode of expression is pure- like the music of Bach, or the paintings of Kandinsky. What they are communicating is not message specific- the medium is the message. Follow?
Our rational mind looks at crop circles and tries to make some kind of alphabetical sense out of the designs. Completely silly! What is the meaning of a sunset? A mountain landscape?
The Field Painters only message is "LOOK! This is pure consciousness expressed. Art, man- it's cosmic art. DO THIS!!"
If you wnat to know what kind of vibe genius creativity or ESP travels on- look at crop circles. They are MANDALAS- potent vibratory designs, a visual link to another dimension. Just look at them and follow/absorb- don't THINK about what they mean- then you'll learn something!
Later- NS
The Crop Circle Connector
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