These two passive collectors I made in a single afternoon. Cost? $80 for both.
When it's 45 degrees outside, the collectors heat up to 90 degrees and more, and heat the brick wall, turning it into a giant FREE radiant heater that releases heat into the inside of the house long after the sun goes down.
At 11 PM, its freezing outside, but the inside wall surface inside the house is 73 degrees toasty and comfy.
When summer comes, the trees shade the wall, the sun is less direct, and I can remove the plastic and the temperature remains cool for warm weather.
Materials: Flat black paint. 2 10'X20' clear plastic sheets, 1 mil. $4 for 10X20' sheet. An extra for the greehouse. Clear packing tape. 10 foot long 4 inch wide lumber (pressed wood) About $20 Angle brackets, staples, screws. Foam sealant (I used latex type)
Construction is obvious and easy: 1) Cut wood and fasten with angle irons to drilled holes in brick. 2) Seal wood-brick with foam 3) Paint brick black 4) Cover and staple plastic sheet.
In the winter direct sun, the inside of the collector gets between 20-40 degrees hotter than the outside temperature. Today, for example, it was 45 degrees outside, but the inside of the collector was 85 degrees. (A very sunny day). The bricks absorb and store the heat, and after the sun goes down, they release heat into the house. At 11PM, when its freezing outside, the inside surface of my wall is 73 degrees, and acts like a big radiant heater.
By lowering my thermostat to 62 degrees all day- and I work at home- along with the solar collectors, I reduced my heating bill 30% this month. I used to have my heat at 72-- it took all of 4 or 5 days to get used to the lower temperature, and now I find it perfectly comfortable. 72 feels stuffy now.
I also have ceiling fans on reverse circulation, that move the hot air at the top of the rooms down the walls to evenly distribute the heat in the rooms.
This week I will install a false ceiling inside my main rooms, and will add R-19 insulation for further frontal lobes strategy.
Why should I give my money every month to greedy, record profit energy companies and others who care nothing about wise use of resources or ME?
Frontal Lobes your energy, people.
Save money instead of throwing it away- Instead of watching your hard work and green energy go up the chimney, enjoy Advanced Frontal Lobes FREE HEAT, from the sun, a gift from the universe.
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