OKAY- now for some fun..... The AMYGDALA MASTER BRAIN CLICK SWITCH controls the flow of energy in your brain. When the amygdala is clicked backward - life stinks. By studying your brain at this site and by using the available guidebooks, you will learn how to keep your amygdala clicked forward into"LIFE IS WONDERFUL!"
Lower animals with much smaller frontal lobes than humans- chimpanzees, for example- are not able to SELF-CONTROL their amygdala like you can with your human brain. By learning how to click your amygdala forward whenever you like, life becomes beautiful - instead of stinky. As it turns out- the amygdala is connected directly to your olfactory nerves- your nose and sense of smell (and also many many other important parts of your brain). This makes it easy to demonstrate what happens when the amygdala is clicked backwards. This lesson will show you what happens when a brain clicks backwards as soon as you click the link below. The added bonus is that by learning this NEW lesson RIGHT NOW (seeing what happens when a mammal brain clicks backwards)- this will actually cause your amygdala to momentarily and instantly click forward and send current into your frontal lobes, and you will experience A quickie
Brain !POP! Watch for it!
READY? (May take a minute to
load- but it's worth it.....) When you're done- and ONLY when you're done
with viewing your lesson, then you may continue here: Easy
Click Lesson Part 2