Big Thanks and Credit to Bill Griffith and Zippy
Retarded Adolescent RebellionOr, How To Deal With Dormant Brained Complaints
Every once in a while I get an generally senseless and/or usually angry letter, or bulletin board post that essentially tells me I am full of crap. There are many psychological reasons why someone would fly into an irrational diatribe over my web site or book. But one underlying cause, which any thinking adult can easily spot when it occurs is as follows (in a letter in that I replied to one such irrational rant:Dear Bob, T.D. Lingo invented a new descriptive term at the brain lab for what you are doing. It's called Retarded Adolescent Rebellion. It is what happens when an individual reacts by rebelling against any authority figure (me in this case) to express his own struggling independence and value as an individual. But in the case of RAR, it is an unintelligent, non-thinking, reptilian brain, futile attempt. It is just like spinning tires in the mud and going nowhere. Rebellion against authority/parent/teacher is a natural and healthy function of growing up. It helps the individual grow. It is testing one's muscles, giving the individual a feeling of self-worth, it helps one to grow up, to exert oneself. To leave the nest. By rebelling, and then being corrected/counter-challenged by older parent or teacher the rebellious individual is forced to re-examine his beliefs, the established "line", learn his mistakes, and even improve upon those facts and assumptions made by authority. Both benefit. But this is only the case if rebellious teen/youth is willing to examine rebellion/argument using logic and intelligence-frontal lobes skills. If the individual merely rebels without using deep intelligence- and just rebels like a crazed chimpanzee without carefully examining facts and evidence- then nothing is gained. Rebellious youth merely sucks energy from all around him. "I WANT ATTENTION!!!! LISTEN TO MEEEEEEEE!" By ranting, yelling "YOU SUCK" without employing true creative-intuitive-cooperative-intelligence, the rebel merely describes his own state of mind ("I suck") and like an ever hungry vacuum cleaner, adds nothing to positive life sustaining environment. Reptile Rebel only demands attention, and disrupts collective growing situation- takes, yet gives nothing. Argument for argument sake. Fight for fight's sake. Insult for insult's sake.
The payoff is temporary release of pent up anger and frustration. Temporary, because the cause remains: The internal trauma memories and emotions caused by uncaring, un-nurturing parents, teachers, and peers. Failure in life. The R.A.R. individual was never taught the advanced frontal lobes brain skills of CICIL--- true creativity, imagination, cooperation, intuition, and logic. So, the R.A.R. brain continues to hurt, and the poor individual remains stuck in rebellion and perceives enemies everywhere--- because the enemies are in fact internalized. The R.A.R. individual must evolve internally and develop true CICIL skills-- or remain doomed forever.
Unless this non-thinking, reptilian attacking individual can grow beyond such temper tantrums, and learn how to pinpoint argument, and accurately find and offer real solutions missed by older parent/teacher/authority and help community, the growth of the individual is stopped. One continues ranting into adulthood. No reason, no logic, no proper argument. Growth into true mature reasoning adulthood is RETARDED. Retarded Adolescent Rebellion. The angry male chimp pounds on his chest "Me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm right and you're wrong!!!!!!!" He makes a lot of noise and gets his rocks off. But at an enormous price. Nobody wants to be friends with a loud, angry, stupid gorilla brain. No friends, crappy job, unhappiness, illness, shortened life expectancy.
Decide if you are stuck in R.A.R. or if you will grow into full brain power.
Yours truly, Neil BUT WAIT- THERE'S MORE!
Oh gosh, what I have to put up with some times.... But hey, that's part of having a public web site that gets thousands of hits a day... It goes with the territory. A couple times a year I get a nasty email- like one from "Bob" above. It is almost ALWAYS anonymous. It's like these kinds of people are too paranoid and too embarrassed to use the actual name on their driver's license. I think it goes along with the rest of the reptile brain overloaded circuits- And its always over something INCREDIBLY UNIMPORTANT that this person has TOTAL control over themselves- but since they are clicked backwards into nearsighted reptile brain- they can't see it. Like- "Stop sending me so many emails!!! ARGGHGHGUGH!!" Okay, okay, calm down. Click on the unsubscribe button.... there ya go! Boy... (play this link)
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