The Self-Transcendence Workbook

by T.D. Lingo



Original STW II Galleys from Neil Slade's Lingo Archives.


STW II Title page

This book is NOT Public Domain.


Comic Note: Lingo describes "Typing by Headache Woodpecker" in reference to  the individual who remained a headache to Lingo for many years. Read the story of L.G. here  the individual who criminally tried to steal and publish and who omitted this copyright page from the edition he tried to sell as his own.


"...Another former student now in the self-help business at one point notoriously claimed copyright to one of Lingo's later manuscripts (above) while nobody was looking, but was eventually discovered. Turns out, key missing parts of this manuscript which he never had himself, came directly from me. Ironically, on another website - which has since learned of this false claim and removed it- he made up false history, and conveniently forgot  that it was in fact myself who supplied him with missing chapters to the manuscript-  for which he claimed owning "The only known copy of this workbook"  The correct history is that Lingo himself had refused a partnership with this individual in his previous attempt to gain control of the manuscript. The posthumous publishing attempt was halted by the Lingo estate as being undesirable and was refused..."


Further history regarding this episode can be read in The Book of Wands.



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