Ah!........ Nothing like hitting the BULLS EYE in life.
Zap----- Right smack on target. Getting what you need in a timely fashion. Although this is MOST TRUE of those essential things in life -- like FRIENDSHIP, CARE, CREATIVITY, INSPIRATION, PROBLEM SOLVING its also especially nice when one can illustrate this with slightly more physical examples-- they're especially fun.
Brain Radar is that incredible ability to BE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. Getting what you NEED right when you need it.
It is so gratifying when you see in your mind's eye (frontal lobes to be more exact) what you want/need, and then having it virtually LAND RIGHT IN YOUR LAP, nearly EFFORTLESSLY.
How do you get YOUR Brain Radar to turn on?
Simple. Learn a few BRAIN BASICS. go through this web site for all the free fun brain INFO. Read a brain book or two, or three, listen to some brain music (The cool Brain Book and Music Store) IN short-- just learn HOW YOUR BRAIN WORKS, and learn how to click your amygdala forward
You will quickly move out of OUT OF EXCLUSIONARY PRIMITIVE REPTILE BRAIN PROCESSES and into using additional ADVANCED FRONTAL LOBES PROCESSES Easy as clicking on a light switch.
To coin a popular folksy idea and phrase.... "Turn on the OTHER 90% of your brain."
So, with that in mind I illustrate
Bullseye Example #1 Only days ago, my 82-year-young mom asked me if I would help her find another TV set for her kitchen. We faithfully watch Wheel of Fortune and things like that when I go over and have supper with her (which is quite often). She lives alone with her dog however, so a TV is good company sometimes during meals.. She has a nice big color TV in her sitting room, but in the kitchen Mom had a little portable black and white TV that we bought at Target years ago for $29. It has gradually stopped working well- you had to keep hitting it to get the sound to work, and the picture was now showing at a 35 degree angle. It also had a dial-in channel changer, horrible to use, and the reception was not very good at all. She asked me "I would like to get a new little color set, could you help me shop for one? I want another white one like the old one too." I informed my mom that I've seen a couple around for about $100 on sale once in a while, and I would look. Upon hearing that it would cost more than the $29 she originally spent, she said "OH NO! I don't want to spend that much. This one is good enough." But never the less, I had a new TV set on my frontal lobes radar screen. Yesterday my brain radar starts BEEPING. I actually was looking for one of those old 8 track players from the 70's for a film project I'm working on. Frontal lobes tells me "Drive up to Lafayette, and go to the Flea Market there". There's this rummage sale store, a flea market inside an old supermarket building- a really great place, about 20 miles outside of town, across the street from my eye doctor (who I've been going to for nearly 30 years). For some reason, my brain was just ITCHING to go there yesterday. So I show up, walking around the place, eyes peeled for an 8 track player--- but what showed up was this: !!! It was an as-good-as-new Sony Trinitron white 8" color TV. The flea market price? $15. Not only $15, but the color she wanted. Sony doesn't even make this size set any more (she needed a small one like this for the table top), and even when they did years ago the price was $350. I saw some beat up ones on eBay, but they were black, and still cost about $110. Brain Radar subconscious search and locate power: Bulls eye!!
Bullseye Example #2 & #3 For a new film project I have in mind, I decided to dig out some of my old 8 mm movie films. I had some effects I wanted to incorporate, and this old kind of film footage was want I wanted to use. The problem was, my old projector as well as my old editor and viewer no longer worked. Again, I saw stuff on ebay, but it was overpriced. So, brain radar simply said "GO HERE---- TODAY". And specifically, my brain radar said go to two specific thrift stores-- one 5 minutes from my house, the other about 10 minutes away. I walked into the Salvation Army first. Sitting on the counter not 20 feet from the door, up on top of everything, was a NEW in the box, with the original packing material still in place, the original manual, the original box, movie splicing tapes-- a vintage 8mm movie editor, as if it had just come off the store shelf-- 55 years ago. $7 !!!!!!!
Next, brain radar sent me down the street to the ARC Thrift Store. Again, Incredibly Impossible Bullseye. A Kodak Brownie Movie Projector, Model 1, perfect condition, perfectly operation, all of $18.95. Original instructions, portable screen, lid- a classic from 1949. !!!!!!
T he chances of finding exactly what I was looking for, on the day I went looking, minutes from my home for such improbable items-- you figure it out. Go see if you see this stuff at YOUR local thrift store without hunting-very very VERY remote.At work..... BRAIN RADAR MAGIC.
You can turn on your Brain Radar every day too and get what you need, whatever it is, however unlikely.
Click your amygdala forward :-)
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