I can't be the only one running into this....
Here's a thought- it seems as though joy and good cheer are what most are supposed to be experiencing this time of year- HOWEVER, what I am experiencing on the street from complete strangers, is an increase in rude behavior and expressions of intolerance and frustration tenfold. (Today was a particularly good example for me- perhaps, a week of Christmas cheer has built up into an particularly evil Friday)
Now, how does one most effectively deflect such hostile feelings of bad will, when one is simply going about one's business, minding their own?
Well, pleasantly, for each rotten human utterance, I console myself with mass multiple positive
blessings that also are delivered to me. Never-the-less, as cheerful as many person's
wishes towards me are, those nasty surprise elves suddenly honking their horns within head splitting earshot
of me, rattle my brain for what seems an unjustified length of time, once I let them inside
the tiniest corner of my mind.
And no matter how much good vibes I produce, some jackass who has had a bad day, because of total dormancy of his/her cooperative-intelligent-creative frontal lobes,
manages to shatter the lovely and perfect peace of mind I have so carefully and lovingly constructed to the best of my ability.
Alas, I am coming to the conclusion that my best defense is an instantaneously engaging thick mental
armor plating which allows me to refute even the merest existance of lowly
reptilian non-thinking reactive types- and completely ignore at very least their repulsive behaviors at the slightest indication of such a presence.
A perfect golden egg of light and intelligence surrounding me at all times that no negative thought/word/noise/behavior is able to penetrate: My tender and fragile emotions protected completely by wisdom- the total reflection and non-absorption of stupidity and ignorance cast in my direction-
The effect of some tantrum throwing nonsense of a nearby humanoid in my immediate vicinity having no more influence on me than a geological disturbance on a distant planet on the other side of the milky way galaxy.
Most any effort to defuse the anger of strangers seems a lost cause- for they revel and cling to their ability blame the other guy no matter what. And a complete stranger, such as myself on occasion, seems to be the favorite target for what seems an every increasing number of lost humans needing a punching bag to relieve endless feelings of confusion and meaninglessness.
The only recourse seems to be continue on my way if physically possible, and refuse to let the Neanderthal ruin my day or evening by acknowledging even the tiniest speck of dandruff falling from their empty skull.
Now, has anyone else run into this kind of thing this merry season?! I bet!
It was also suggested to me this morning, a good creative solution is to merely stick out your tongue with your thumb firmly attached to your nose wiggling your fingers at any offensive person. This is great fun, and shows that "Sticks and stones (and honking your horn...." One can also train oneself to believe that all irritated drivers who honk horns are saying "Hello!"...... Take care fellow Brain Explorers, and smile as you can!- Neil
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