At this time, a walk outside in Mother Nature-- among the trees, outside under a blue sky, in pleasantly cool air-- affords you stimulation to your sights, smells, senses, that DIRECTLY and POWERFULLY shunts your amygdala full force forward into Cosmic Connected Wisdom- with hardly an effort on your part- Mother Nature will do all the work, just walk under a few trees, kick up a few leaves, take a deep breath, skim the clouds, and
Today the scene was a pure riot of hallucinogenic color-- cobalt blue sky, wild rolling pink clouds, shimmering gold locust trees, flaming red maple trees, emerald and jade spruce and fir trees, brown dirt road--- I couldn't keep my brain from !POPPING! had I tried. Human problems? Ha!! Insignificant dust specks on the Universal Canvas.
Although the Fall Brain Blast is an external fix for your internal brain state- and not a replacement for regular brain self-control- it's still a doozy. So, Brain People, put on your sneakers and go for a Fall Brain Blast while you can. Clicking forward in October is as simple as tying your shoelaces-- don't let this chance pass you by......
Later- Yours Harmoniously Neil (All photos and music (c) Neil Slade 2000)
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