A web visitor recently asked me why don't I try for The Amazing Randy's $1,000,000 reward to demonstrate paranormal ability. Here's my reply:
"I don't approach any paranormal ability as something to be proved or disproved. I am constantly being faced with paranormal occurrences at all times, daily: I wake from dreams which within minutes of getting out of bed demonstrate pre-cognition; I easily know what a friend is thinking across town or across the country; objects frequently appear and move about in ways that are completely mind boggling; I end up in the most remarkable situations, in exactly the right place and the right time having much more than my share of extraordinary "luck".
However, it is very infrequent that I manifest such powers deliberately. It just happens as naturally as brushing my teeth, a regular part of life. And certainly if money was involved, this would more than likely get in the way. The reason is very simple:
Paranormal abilities are a product of frontal lobes thinking. Frontal lobes thinking is strictly cooperative consciousness. It is advanced consciousness that is the product of egoless giving and creativity. (Not that I am without ego! Just the front part of my brain works this way....) Thus paranormal abilities are a product of helping, giving, and NEED rather than greed. As soon as money or contest/proof enters the picture, it diverts the very fragile cooperative-giving consciousness into reptile brain competitive consciousness. The paranormal reception/ability will fall flat.
On occasion, if the need is sincere and is beneficial, not just a demonstration, I believe it is quite possible to deliberately call paranormal powers into action. But this is exceedingly rare. If one is used to dealing with the world from the perspective of the frontal lobes, you stay out of trouble and out of harms' way 99.9% of the time. This has always been my attitude towards the radio demonstrations of the past couple of years. But even this can get out of hand. After we did a successful "rain making" demonstration the benefited probably millions of people and hundreds of square miles of burning forest, hundreds of pleas for personal help came my way. I don't want that kind of power, and I basically feel that people need to work on their own situation themselves anyway, with of course the help of a few good friends when necessary. And, I've tried to make clear the option of The Universal Energy System which should take care of most everything else left over.
There are a few folk that may be able to manifest paranormal abilities at the drop of a hat, but I am not one of them, and neither are most ordinary people. But, anyone CAN manifest paranormal ability once they understand the cause and the rules governing this special class of phenomenon. If one just keeps the frontal lobes flowing and open, this kind of stuff will land in your lap constantly. If you chase after it, you're chasing after the wrong thing.
The mere statement "Prove it!" is in itself competitive/combative and will instantly click a person backward into reptilian fight or flight, and out of advanced intelligence, and weaken paranormal skill and reception. As for trying for Randy's reward, I have seen him many times on TV, and his own negativity and lack of understanding of the true nature of paranormal abilities, and the reason for their existence would so obviously make any attempt to prove their existence to him futile. These are fragile and subtle energy forces that are easily disturbed. He would neutralize most any attempt with his negative projections alone. And even if you did manage it-- he'd likely find a way to make an excuse not to pay up."
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