From the "Self Transcendence Workbook by T.D. Lingo
The science of Self Experimentation (SOCE) is based upon subjective measurements of your physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual (PIES) energy systems---and their deterioration by entropy.
The measurements are valid data because the two limits of the measurement scale, suicide and nirvana, are intuitively and universally felt and understood by each person within the human species.
By monitoring the ups and downs of each component within your neurosis system, you can understand each separately as it functions during your therapy. You can identify each fluctuation in its relation to each brain organ. You can treat each symptom and cause separately to coordinate and harmonize each organ with each emotion and thought, to self-trigger your final breakthrough into fulfillment.
The method of this skill merely is to focus your attention separately on your physical condition, intellectual computation, emotional wellbeing, and spiritual struggle. Determine which words best describe your gradient of feelings within each energy system. Write your own profile of numbers and words to create your own scale and diagnostic tool. The verbal descriptions below are suggested guidlines.
Take your first measurement upon awakening in the morning. Take your last measurement in the evening. How many in-between measurements will be profitable for accurate self-diagnosis? Record these in your printed dated diary or Inner Journal. (Start one NOW!) Periodically graph your numbers on graph paper. Graph each curve in a different color. Each curve is your precision self-diagnosis of that energy system!
From this diagnosis, precision prescription follows. Each therapy into each energy system is accelerated or relaxed as needed. Each specific brain organ is integrated with each of your 4 energy systems to cause perfect economy of time and work in perfect functioning to accelerate perfec growth into perfect transcendence: straight line +10.
+10: Nirvana
+9: Frontal lobes pre-pops, approaching breakthrough; wild creativity
+8: Voluptuous ecstacy; mindboggling intelligence burbling powerfully
+7: Routine genius; theatrical efficiency; doing everything right
+6: Happiness; secure toughness solving all necessary problems
+5: Flowing love goodness of Life
+4: Efficiency of survival; doing work, but not exuberating
+3: Getting my ass in gear to do what has to be done for survivial; drag
+2: Grinding, ploding, automatic, mindless, joyless struggle
+1: Barely functional; re-start automatic self-healing; fragile
0: Computer Collapse
-1: Boredom
-2: Loneliness, lovelessness, melanchol
-3: Anxiety, stress
-4: Meaninglessness
-5: Fullblown, grinding, acid depression
-6: Desperation
-7: Fear
-8: Hopelessness
-9: Terror
-10: Poof