As the word "AMYGDALA" enters public awareness through television, movies, newspapers- and word of the tremendous potential of brain self-control (when applied intelligently and properly) begins to ascend popular consciousness- it is INEVITABLE that people will use labels of brain anatomy and brain function for their own purposes- guided correctly or not. In worst case scenarios ego, haste, or $$$$ may impede accuracy and real helpful guidance.
WITHOUT a proper understanding of the simple facts and principals that guide accurate use of brain terms- people can throw around words like "amygdala" and "frontal lobes" and not have a real clue what they mean. This can have disastrous consequences for people who are really interested in learning about brain self-control. What we really don't want is another meaningless gimmick that will allegedly "MAGICALLY ACTIVATE YOUR AMYGDALA". The amygdala just doesn't work this way. That's not what brain self-control is about.
Brain self-control is about knowing what parts of your brain ACTUALLY DO, then controlling these parts of your brain, just like you would your fingers in writing with a pencil. Now, THEN, that's when real magic, creativity, intelligence, and paranormal-normal happens.
This web site provides to you over 300 mega-bites of free information, articles, stories, music, photos and art guiding you in this easy and simple process. We further make available inexpensive supplementary materials for people who want to explore further. The author of this web site has been involved with brain research and techniques of brain self control going back to 1957 and brain researcher T.D.A. Lingo's Colorado brain and behavior work. You get the straight stuff here.
NOWContrary wise, imagine being told your amygdala can do all this great stuff AND THEN The person giving or selling you this "amygdala control" this information has his/her facts wrong, gives poor instruction or follow up. Eeek. Bad brain information...
These days it is not uncommon to read about the amygdala in the morning paper, in Time Magazine, or hear about it on your 5 O'clock TV News. "What the Amygdala Does" is a NEW POP Catch Phrase PHENOMENON that's beginning to creep into popular culture. As scientists and researchers learn more and more about the key role that the amygdala plays in one's awareness and emotions, as well as in creativity and intelligence, many people will JUMP ON THE AMYGDALA BANDWAGON and throw around words like amygdala and frontal lobes WITHOUT HAVING A REAL CLUE what it all means or how these brain parts actually fit together and work. That's okay, and that's to be expected. It always happens. You find a good thing, and then somebody else uses it.
As a TRUE BRAIN EXPLORER who wants to UNDERSTAND brain basics you will know
THEN, and only then will you have real control over your amygdala. That's what 35 years of brain research taught us.
You've read through this web site, and/or studied the cheap books we provide. You'll be able to pick out THE FAKES in an instant. You'll spot the greed. You'll smell the phonies. You'll hear the bad information. You'll sense the incomplete understanding preached as "knowledge".
YOU'LL KNOW. You are a true Brain Explorer.
* * *
This is a fun example of what can go wrong.... I was contacted by somebody writing a book, to contain "amygdala-activating" meditations. This author - Dr. T. sells a variety of courses, potions (herbal fragrances), and soon a book. The author's ghostwriter asked me permission to use one of the illustrations on my web site showing amygdala location in the brain in her new book which would contain "amygdala meditations". The ghost writer then informed me that he was not able to get any amygdala activation results himself. This, in itself is quite amusing-- (I can't be too hard on this fellow, he wrote back later with some excellent observations and intelligent communications). When I replied to the email inquiry with granting instructions about use of the illustration, I then offered some cooperative assistance in looking at the guided meditation techniques. The "author" of the book got my email- sent to the ghostwriter- and through error sent me a copy of what was meant to be an internal memo, expressing no desire to share any of THEIR information, nor expressing any desire to personally acknowledge my assistance nor even communicate with me-- while simultaneously lifting what she, the author, could use from my web site. Where as the ghost writer showed some good frontal lobes amygdala forward clicking-- the soon to be "author" of the book- showed none (well, none until I bitched about it!) Read for yourself...
Dr. T. is at this moment relatively clueless about the difference between cooperative frontal lobes intelligence, and reptile brain "me me me" reactive non- thinking.
Dr. T. illustrates lower
reptile brain "me
me me" behavior:
"I want what is yours. Gimme." while simultaneously secretively: "Don't share anything of mine now and I don't have time for you"
To get such a reptilian brain response
and lack of a proper frontal lobes response from the "therapist"
teaching "amygdala -activating" meditations....
What a hoot!
This attitude is directly in opposition to Cooperative-Imaginative-Creative-Intuitive-Logical (CICIL) processes that are computed in the advanced portions of your brain- your frontal lobes:
"Can we share with you? and "Thank you for your help" and "Yes, I would like to talk and learn more when I can." and "You are important."
Limited reptile brain "me me me" intelligence breeds dog-eat-dog, winners and losers. Frontal lobes advanced cooperative intelligence creates WIN-WIN situations.
What is so interesting between these two kinds of responses, is that they are hard wired and genetically encoded into the PHYSICAL compartments of one's brain: Higher mammals that have advanced frontal lobes in the front of their brains are capable of cooperative social interaction which leads to greater knowledge, greater pleasure, and increased survival as individuals and as a group. Reptiles do not have these advanced brain parts- and are only capable of "me me me" self-centered behaviors which do not utilize group consciousness, or cooperative behaviors.
It's not a matter of meditation, or a question of religion, morality, or faith. You can meditate until the cows come home, and it won't guarantee you will use your frontal lobes. Moo.
The real trick is knowing brain basics-- and recognizing the difference between what your reptile brain does and what your frontal lobes do.
Now, THAT'S Activating your Amygdala.