People think I'm exaggerating when I say my girlfriend Julia Lu has
visions from beyond, that she "Travels" when she clicks her amygdala
I'm not.
A true story from this weekend:
Julia goes for a walk by herself in my neighborhood. She walks 2
miles. Of course, she doesn't know where she is, she has no sense of
direction whatsoever.
And so for guidance so she doesn't get lost, she talks to Erfie
who is in doggie heaven at present with Chloe, till they reincarnate
next April or May.
When she gets to a corner, she asks Erfie which way to go- 'cause he'd been around
the neighborhood for a decade.
"Which way do I turn?"
she asks.
here." says Erfie. Next block, "Left." Etc, etc.
Anyway, she manages to find her way home- which truly is a miracle-
but about a block from home, she gets a message from Chloe as well.
"I made a new friend here, named 'Fancy", says Chloe.
Julia tells me this as she's walking up the alley by the car
"Fancy" I think. Who the heck is Fancy? A dog, I figured.
An hour later I go online and start looking up dogs named Fancy.
Nothing really clicks, although there are dogs named Fancy around.
But I never knew any dog by that name. It doesn't seem
particularly insightful or relavent.
Then suddenly it hits me like a lightning bolt.
Julia Speak.
Julia is Chinese. She often mixes up English
words when she doesn't recognize something.
It wasn't "Fancy". It's just that that was the only
word that she could
think of that it sounded like.
It wasn't "Fancy" at all.
It was VONCIE. (Von-see)
My mom's dog.
Julia never knew about this dog. A dog who died about 15 years ago.
My mom named it Voncie, yiddish for "bedbug", cause it was a little
bitty dog.
Chloe had made friends with Voncie and told Julia about it.