Restore the Nook Color Original Factory Settings


You may be one of tens of thousands who attempted to adapt your Nook Color by installing a hacked version of Honeycomb or Gingerbread or Froyo on your new Nook Color.

Then- after you did it, you realized you did not want to mess with the original Nook Color operating system.

That happened to me. And my Nook was bricked, and stuck on a black page with a flashing "android" in the lower right corner.

But before that even when  with Android Honeycomb, and then Gingerbread (Froyo 2.3) I couldn't file manage, couldn't get Android SDK to do anything it was supposed to do, I couldn't even get the Nook Reader application to work properly.

But even if I could, I quickly found both Honeycomb and Gingerbread far more confusing and less user friendly than the plain old Nook Color original operating system.

and it worked exactly as promised, WITHOUT destroying my original Nook Color OS.  It is what I should have stuck with.

Okay- so now that I experienced, Honeycomb and Gingerbread (i.e. Froyo 2.3 instead of 2.2), and the rooted original Nook OS (with Android Market and all the goodies in that)- my preference after all was said and done-  I then had the job of


That was a major stumbling block. My Nook was indeed stuck with Gingerbread, and no explanation clear how to get back home.  Be it the web to confuse things.

I finally came upon the solution, and for your ease- here it is.

Once you've done it, please visit my web site-- you will find ways to Tickle Your Amygdala and UNSTICK your BRAIN'S Operating System.

Instructions to Restore the Nook Color Original Factory Settings shown below:

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How to restore Nook Color to Factory

You must "Interupt Bootup 8 times"-- This is how its done:

1) Hold down power button for about 4-5 seconds

2) You'll see the screen dimly flash for a very quick moment.

3) IMMEDIATELY release the power button and WATCH

4) You will see "The Future of Reading

5) QUICKLY and immediately upon seeing "The future of reading" press and hold power button for about 6 seconds until it turns off.

6) IMMEDIATELY release the button. WAIT 6 more seconds.

7) Do #2 this EIGHT TIMES in a row (count out loud). Keep track.

If the Nook boots up into a start up screen- try again from #1.

8) After the 8th INTERUPT, then hold power, +Volume and Nook button (bottom) simultaneously.

5) The nook will automatically reset itself to factory settings. (Earlier versions before 1.1.0 may ASK you to reset.)

This will restore the original OS



Glad I did too!


Let it be said, that I also did the simple Nook Color rooting as explained on this YouTube page-

and that allowed me to access all of the Android Market goodies- and LEFT THE ORIGINAL NOOK COLOR OPERATING SYSTEM INTACT.

That's how I have happily left things.

Good luck!

- Neil