This energy is what is behind telekinesis, PK, and other paranormal brain function. It is fuel for subtle modes of manipulation of our physical reality. (It also manifests as more recognizable physical energy.) We shall call the "invisible" energy "Brain energy". However, the Law of Conservation of Energy still applies to this Brain Energy. Our brains do not create this energy, merely manipulate and direct it, same again, as we point a flashlight beam at something to light it up.
Example: The flashlight energy starts as earth minerals, which we mine and change into chemical energy which we place in little cylindrical batteries, which we put in our flashlight, which we click on, and then the energy moves out of the lens as photons and light. It changes form in our hands, but we never actually created the energy. It was always there, we just moved it around.
Now, we can also manipulate this more subtle Brain Energy. It starts out- who knows where- but as we THINK, we "mine" and manipulate and change the FORM of this subtle energy. In our brains, the energy takes the form of thought. Some people change it into "God", "Jesus", "Moses", "Buddha", "Mother Nature", "The Tao", any one or several of thousands of deities, forces, as well as rational explanations of why things work the way they do. They are ALL VALID.
Thought is merely our brain interpreting the Universal Energy System into symbols, words, and concepts- the human brain loves to do this- it's how we "organize" the universe and keep it nice and tidy. Like putting chemicals into neat little cylinders. We change "Universal Energy" into "Brain Energy".
Once we package Universal Brain Energy into convenient thought packages, then we can utilize it, focus it, and send it wherever we want. One can imagine taking these packages of Brain Energy and putting them in that BIG BANK IN THE SKY for a rainy day, or for other people who need extra Universal Energy to help them on their way.
Frequently people "pray", which is a fine use and direction of this energy. (Providing the prayer is constructive and life enhancing, otherwise the "check will bounce"). This may explain why prayer often show real results in our physical reality. Prayer is ENERGY that we are focusing, just like in a flashlight.
Prayer, mantra, positive thinking, imaging, hypnosis, visualization- these are all ways in which our brain organizes and aims this subtle energy force to cause real change in our world and in our own life situation. Neeto.
Now, if one is able to send OUT lots of this energy, this in turns makes one equally receptive to this energy, i.e. the big radar dish that is capable of projecting lots of energy signals, is equally able to RECIEVE lots of signal. Another example: If one constructs a big pipe in which lots of water flows out- that same pipe is capable of letting the same amount of water flow back in. The moral? If you want to GET lots of Brain Energy, you've got to PUT OUT lots of brain energy.
All funds you deposit in the Universal Energy Bank can be withdrawn at any time by any bank member (just like with a "real" bank). What you put in gains interest. The more you put in, the more you can take out. Any needy member can make a loan to use for any purpose that exceeds current deposits, providing one does not abuse one's credit privileges. (Say you need to fix a broken body, or other necessary item).
All transactions can be made at any location throughout the galaxy at UATM's (Universal Automatic Telepathy Machine) situated in every molecular coordinate in space-time. Your PIN (Personal Intuition Number) is self assigned, and may be the name of your chosen religious hero, mantra, prayer, random number or phrase.
Any method of deposit- any mental image you create- is acceptable.
1) You create blazing gold coins embossed with hearts and dragons that leap into a gigantic flying piggy bank circling the earth.
2) You think silently or say out loud your favorite regular prayer, mantra, poem, random number sequence, repeated for as long as you like.
3) You plug in silver vibrating beams/cords of electricity connecting your frontal lobes to a galactic matrix of criss-crossing energy pulse beams. You click your right and left amygdala forward and this sends the juice flowing.
4) Etc, etc. etc. Whatever image or saying appeals to you will work fine.
To withdraw Universal Energy Bank Brain Energy, simply reverse the current using the same method as in deposits.
Save your Brain Energy today in The Universal Brain Energy Bank. You'll never know when you or someone else may need it!