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The first thing people want to know after looking at a few of these articles at this site, is "Is this for real?!?" Let me assure you- yes, very real. The scientific references found in the books and around the site are completely legitimate. Although there is a great deal of variation from person to person concerning the intensity, and speed at which changes in behavior, thought, and having dramatic effects take place, it seems as though most people get results very quickly. Following are just a few real letters, emails, and comments that I have received from people. I get thousands. I receive similar comments every single day, and in the examples below, I have added nothing (Although for space limitations I may have left off other comments about "my dog" or "what brand toothpaste do you use?").
Also, Listen to Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove as well as Art Bell talk and many others
talk with Neil on BRAIN RADIO about his work on their nationally broadcast radio shows.
Instant AUDIO: Mary talks about her Super Complete Book Set Windows Media Player Audio Mary On Streaming Real Audio
"Hi! A few years ago I purchased your Frontal Lobes Supercharge book. I read some of it, and wasn't convinced of much you were saying. I didn't expect to achieve all the amazing mental wonders you described, and so I stopped less than halfway through....I've read about the brain, I do think the frontal lobes are the "seat" of creativity, but I'm not sure the amygdala have anything to do with it) but about two months ago, over a three day period of creative productive achievment, (I was constructing a humorous comic book with subtle political commentary) something hapened in my brain, and please, please excuse this irrational indulgence: IT WAS TOTALLY (f****ing) AMAZING! The main experiences I describe are an enormous decrease in all negative emotions, increased intuition, increased creativity, a massive increase in understanding of people,(it's like all the right ideas were in my head somewhere, but now my mind is running more effeciently and the ideas are structured in a logical and intuitive understanding) and this enormous sense of self. I have nothing but optimism for the future, and complete confidence in my ideas. I have a lot of ideas, and plan to start writing some books over the next few years. It actually happens! I didn't think you were right, but you were! -Mark-"
[Here's a really enthusiastic letter!!-N.S.]: OH MY GOSH ! Neil I got my copy of Frontal Lobe Super Charge and OH MY GOSH !!!!! I read the first 21 pages and Learned more in those pages about who i am and Why I am the way i am than in my 32 years of life !!!!!! Neil You are the MAN! I am so glad I ordered this book and can't wait to read the rest ! I have to get ready for Work but will be Clicking all night at work Thank you so much Neil THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU MAN REALLY I DO ! My wife is reading right now !!! WOW Neil WOW- Your Friend And Fellow Brain Explorer Kevin After hearing you on Art Bell's program recently, I started to experiment with the "Feather on the switch." To my amazement it worked-and works-easily and quickly. I want to know more. Thanks!"- Lexey, Parkville, MO
The amygdala "popping", could it be described as almost an orgasm in your head? I was laying down in bed a couple nights ago and my brain was doing it's usual turning. Nothing really out of the ordinary, just letting the thoughts flow through me, like you say in your books. All the sudden I notice a very odd but extremely pleasurable sensation in the amygdala area of my brain. I focused on the sensation I was having and I figured that it must be on the verge of "popping." It basically felt as if the amygdala was spinning in my head and for lack of better words it gave me a very orgasmic feeling. It really was something. Thanks for your time, Austin G.
I am a School Psychologist who would like to use some of your info to help kids. Keep up the good work.- Carla
I LOVE your book (Supercharge)., IT'S AMAZING AND I REALLY ENJOY IT- Leo Hernandez, Indanapolis
Thank you for the service. It's like a drink of cool clear water on a hot summer day...Okay a very hot summer day!!! Keep "clicking"! (although I'm still learning what that means-) Cara SmalleyThank you for the s ervice. It's like a drink of cool clear water on a hot summer day...Okay a very hot summer day!!! Keep "clicking"! (although I'm still learning
I have been meditating now for some years. Its the kind of meditation that focuses on the stopping of the internal dialogue. Where thoughts in the mind become quieter and quieter until they stop. I have noticed that sometimes it takes a while to get into it. Usually it takes 5 minutes or so to slowly shift from normal thought filled awareness to a state where there is total silence. Sometimes I just can't get into it at all. Here is the neat part. Immediately upon starting meditating I clicked forward. The amount of time it took to get into the silent state was about 15 seconds instead of 5 minutes. Almost effortless shift. -D. Slater
Dear Sir, Greetings!I have read your book- The Frontal lobes Supercharging Book. I enjoyed it. Now I have ordered for 2 more books. Please waive shipping charges if possible.[!] Thanks, Dr. Jagadish G. Donki, Bangalore, India Neil, We got the package and are very very pleased. Thanks for following up on the information. Julie McCartan "Dear Neil- I started believing in your methods the first time I heard you on Art Bell a year ago or so. You seemed very noble. I even bought your book. Which was a first for me, to buy a book because what I have heard over the radio. You and the book where very enlightening, I thank you!"- P. Vernon CLICK FORWARD! Thanks for BRAIN MAGIC ITS REALLY GREAT. Steve Otero "I do understand the click principle. I do feel a flow of positive emotions. I have better time management. Yes, I feel physical sensations. When I tickle each lobe with the feather I get a very ickly, wickly, shimmery, feeling on that whole side of the body as I do it. Clarity."- Carolyn, Skytop, PA Your book's a lifesaver. Love it! Ideas are practical and your style keeps me entertained and glued to the pages. It's a definite good buy! Take care, Heather in Seattle Hello, Hey sometimes when my brain pops, I hear a burst of static on the cable tv or am radio. - David "This book [Frontal Lobes Supercharge] is very good. VERY good!"- Dr. Gerald Zuckerman, M.D., Denver, Colorado. Hello Neil-- I know that my reading is "hitting the target" is by the feeling I get in my head. I actually feel a sort of mental "click" just behind and back of my right temple. There's been other times when I have experienced that "click." I know to always pay attention to what I suddenly seem to know or understand at that moment. It generally comes true. Thanks for a very interesting and informative program. - Mary B., Northern CA "Have Fun is great!"- F.N Neil, as a fellow musician, the brain music is a great thing. I teach music and run a school of 20 teachers and 350+ students and we are using your wealth of resources to the MAX!!! Keep up the GREAT WORK...Bill..aka..Drumist Hi Neil, I just finished reading your book, "The Frontal Lobes Supercharge," and thought it was great. My girlfriend heard about it on Art Bell's show, and told me about your website. The book was well worth the price, and had some useful techniques. I also liked your humor and childlike sense of fun. Thanks again for a wonderful book, Jeff Colburn Hi Neil, I have listened to you on the Art Bell program and have tried your Cloud Busting technique and I am amazed at the success and ease at which I can do this. It is getting easier and easier everytime I try it. And I am able to tackle even bigger clouds than when I first started. When I was young I used to stare at clouds all the time and would often see them disappear without realizing that it was not always natural at the time. And I have also discovered that you are right, it is a lot harder to do it in windy conditions, however, if "I" am not in the wind then it tends to work. I can do it inside looking thru the window or outside simply sheltered from the wind and it will work. I spoke of when I was young...... and it was then that I learned that mind over matter is a real and powerful thing. I have used it mostly for maintaining my relatively good health ie willing a headache to go away and thinking positive thoughts to ward off illnesses etc. So I am very open to trying some new ideas. So, Thank You for sharing and helping me re-discover some of my childhood (so to speak) and good luck to you. It's exciting to find this site. I freaked out when I saw the image of the light switch on one of your pages! For years I've been working with that switch that I call the 'mind-switch'; but I can't always get to it with out fumbling around in the dark for a while. The image of the feather etc hits the switch immediately and when ever I want to. WOW' ...and it is still working. Thank you.
"Dear Mr. Slade- We are enjoying the brain books and music. I want to thank you so much for bringing the "brain info" forward. I have been working on cleaning my past issues for several years so I was amazed to find since I started working with your books and amygdalas, I have already found 2 issues that were so deeply hidden in my past that I didn't even know they existed. My best to you- please continue this valuable work My 9 year old son listens to your Piano Impressions tape every night. I think we both like it the best and I think it has helped both of us in different ways. For him, I think it has helped him enjoy practicing (yep, there's that bad word!). For a while he just hated to hear himself make a mistake and was putting a lot of pressure on himself. Somehow he has started tinkering and being very creative again. It's almost as if you have given him permission to be unusual and he's enjoying himself and not worrying if he hits a wrong note. It's helped me as a mom to see things in perspective.- Sincerely, Karen Poole" "Dear Mr. Slade- Our brain group meets every Monday. Flora decided to purchase a Complete Brain Book Set in English, even though she does not feel at ease with reading English. Two of us are wives of dairy farmers. Every one of us can tell the difference in dealing with life when we keep clicked forward. The music has been a little hard for me to get used to listening to as most of my mind-body music is so called New Age. I like the effect it has on my energy level and keep it playing in the background most of the day. We appreciate your interest in our progress. Nancy, Susanne, Rozanne and Flora." Neil- YES! thanks so much for the books and tapes. This is really something. I have been practicing the method and have had some unusual things happen... very exciting and very real.- Dan, editor Viewzone Magazine Neil, Your exercises really help me when I am overwhelmed and need to focus.-Marielaine Hello Neil, Well I've been reading your supercharge book and have been practicing as often as I think about it. My results so far are as follows. A very different feeling in my "brain" when I try clicking forward, a happy "pollyanna" feeling,sort of a all around joy/love feeling; is this the "correct" responce? Today I listened to your cd (came with "the works" package) I combined it with a mattress massager that I bought at costco. This massage pad has the ability to sinc with music so the vibrations go with the music. So here I am in the recliner with headphones on eyes closed music and massage all at the same time. My response inside my head was "like looking at colored clouds actually inside the clouds swirling all around me with occasional bright lights forming and "windows" with real pictures showing through. Sincerly, T. Volker Read Have Fun through twice and plan to use it as reference material in my literacy training. I've been practicing meditation for several years and have already experienced positive changes in my life- But, I'll tell you where "clicking" has helped: in the public environment. "clicking" is much faster than traditional meditation and it can be done anywhere. In this environment I have noticed positve improvement- John Neal- I did the Feather Tickling while you were on air and ALL NIGHT I saw colors, dreams, warmth, etc- as you said! Thank you! for sending out to me the frontal lobes handbook [Supercharge]. I found it VERY interesting and informative. Pat Hoot Mr. Slade, Thank you for your site and your wonderful way you have of sharing. I havebeen able to utilize your positive brain wave technique to help me through a very traumatic ongoing personal experience. When I am functioning in my "reptile brain", I get really freaked out over this. But when I can manage to get to the positive part of my brain, I can handle this. Thanks. - Susan Something from Neil's book hit me yesterday as I was walking along the street. I can tell you that at an absolute minimum there are two universes. :^) I was outside, walking down the road but in my head I was in my own universe, a crowded, claustrophobic one filled with time wasting thoughts and totally cut off from external input. This went on for a bit until the drawing from Neil's book popped up and jolted me. Then I said in my head, Hey! Get out of the you-niverse and open up to the universe! All the time wasting thoughts just melted away, the claustrophobic feeling disappeared and I just felt relaxed. Thanks Neil!- Andrew Styrmo I first heard about you via Coast to Coast with Art Bell. After hearing you, and your thoughts on thought, I quickly checked out your web-site and bought your complete set of books. I have just started the clicking forward thing and it seems to give me a better, more positive outlook on the things that go on in life. I can't wait to actually pop into my frontal lobes. anyway the story part of this is, after first hearing your cloudbusting technique, just on Art Bell I went out and tried it, and I'll be damned if it didn't work. I tried this with success on several different occasions. After that was when I was convinced to get your books. I read up on some of the books and hove now taught the people I go to break, at work, with, and the majority of my friends. My lunchbreak friends and I will go outside and bust up a big bunch of clouds and all that's been told is basically what your books say. They are all, myself included, amazed. I am so excited to see what my brain is capable of. I think that is the only place humans have left to go to. I appreciate what you have done by making this information more public, it is greatly need in todays times. Thank you very much, A. Gilman, Ohio Ok!!!...I had five tries at busting clouds and I have not failed yet (patting myself on the back). It's never taken more then 5 min. I think I remember from the book Neil states, give it 20 min. And never stop trying. I tried something different this afternoon. After I busted one, I thought about Arts fear that maybe this could be taking something away somewhere else in the world (which I really don't believe but I decided to humor him. End result I put that cloud back just as I found it. Now that was very cool. Try it next time out. Keep on clicking!!! Paul [This is quite a letter-]: DEAR MR SLADE, GENIUS: MY SISTER BEA ,AGE 75, HAD A " STROKE" LAST YEAR. SHE SUFFERED VERY MUCH AND BESIDES HER MEDICAL PROBLEMS, SHE LOST HER DAUGHTER ANDREA TO CANCER A FEW DAYS AFTER HER STROKE. ANDY, MY NEICE, WAS 47 YEARS OLD. IT WAS A TERRIBLE TIME FOR ALL OF OUR FAMILY, ESPECIALLY MY SISTER. WHILE RECOVERING SLOWLY FROM HER STROKE IN HER LEFT FRONTAL LOBE, SHE WAS INFORMED ABOUT YOU AND YOUR MIRACULUS WORK AND WRITINGS ABOUT THE FRONTAL LOBE AREA. BEING A VERY STRONG PERSON, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY, SHE WENT ABOUT CURING HER ILLNESS BY HERSELF FOLLOWING YOUR WRITINGS AND TV BROADCASTS, AND OF COURSE EXCELLENT MEDICAL ATTENTION. I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU PERSONALLY, WITH ALL MY HEART, FOR BEING IN THIS WORLD FOR PEOPLE LIKE MY SISTER. SHE GAVE ME YOUR WEBSITE THAT SHE GOT FROM A TV BROADCAST IN FLORIDA LAST NIGHT (8-12-98). SHE LIVES IN NO. MIAMI BEACH. I SPENT ALMOST 5 HOURS SURFING THRU ALL THE ARTICLES & MUSIC ON MY WHOLE FAMILY SAYS "GOD BLESS YOU" FOR ALL THE GREAT WORK YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED. I WISH I HAD THE WORDS TO ADEQUATELY THANK A GENIUS LIKE YOURSELF.. THESE WORDS DON'T SEEM TO FIT THE BILL. I AM SORRY FOR RAMBLING ON, BUT THE FEELING I HAVE IN MY HEART CANNOT BE PUT IN MERE WORDS. MY SISTER IS DOING SO MUCH BETTER AND SHE HAS ALMOST FULLY RECOVERED FROM HER PARALYSIS & ILLNESS THRU VERY HARD WORK AND HAVING SO MUCH FAITH IN YOU. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FROM ALL OF US, AGAIN. SINCERELY, SID L. GORDON
During a night road trip through the southern Arizona
desert, I experienced something I haven't since. The night
sky was extremely clear and bright, thangs to the full moon.
While I was driving, I was extremely distressed because of
not knowing who I really was (as a human being) and what my
purpose was in the world (dont ask why I was thinking about
this). I started talking out loud and started asking all
kinds of questions about humanity- who are we? is there
really a god? what about angels? aliens? I worked myself up
pretty good to the point I was almost screaming in the
middle of the desert. All of a sudden I thought of Neil
on Art Bell and his "cloud busting" experiment. There was
a cloud, shaped like a donut with a piece missing-- like a
backwards letter "c". I thought that I would simply
complete the donut shape-- fill in the missing part. I knew
I had to think positive, but to not try to hard. So I
imagined it happening in my mind and occasionally glance
back at the cloud to see any progress. After about 2
minutes, I started to see progress. I thought I was just
imagining it, but within 5 minutes, the piece was all filled
in. I don't know if me being initially extremely upset
was what triggered that experience, but I sure felt a lot
better for the rest of the trip!- Rich Ignacio
The AMAZING Brain Adventure
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