Below are pictures of the device. It is a small square of foil balanced on a needle, and shielded from wind, air, and vibration. Observations thus far have shown it to be stable. Perhaps if enough of us concentrate our thoughts we can cause a CLOCKWISE rotation (from above) of the foil. Perhaps proof of subtle brain energies can be demonstrated.
Craig lives in Louisville CO, about 15 NW of Denver Colorado halfway between Boulder and Denver. A photo of his office is shown to help you visualize. Send your energy to that neck of the woods. (Actually it's suburbia). Can it be done? Let's give it the good old college try. Sit down, relax, and click your amygdala forward. Visualize the foil moving clockwise from above. Send a little cosmic breeze his way. Visualize it moving when you think of it through the day.
Experiment begins on October 7, 2002 during the broadcast of the Coast to Coast Brain Show interview, and we'll post any results or photos here.
The results are in, and motion of the foil occured, see below:
CRAIG: "The Mind Motor has been sitting on a 1985 SUN Server.
Used that becuse it is VERY heavy. Also the SUN Server was not on, so no vibrations...
In the after photo, the edge of the foil is now 45 degrees off and the point of the
foil points towards the line on the case. Yes that is correct. It was set up straight with that
line on top the SUN Server. I will try and get another photo from exactly the same
angle as the before photo this evening. At work now. As you can see I am working... haha.
that may have disturbed or vibrated this object?"
CRAIG: "Have had Brain Motors on and around the
desk before. None have moved on their own. The desk is actually very heavy, and the SUN Server is a big brick.
Just trying to be sure here--- walking in and out of the room? Music played? Bumping the
shelf?....It moved at night and nobody was in there. Checked for movement before going to
sleep. I do use the office, but have been careful not to bump. and with the desk being
heavy, and the SUN Server begin heavy, I don't see it having been bumped.
NEIL: "How careful were you?
CRAIG: "Very Very.
NEIL: "That's pretty impressive."
CRAIG: "AT Karate we do things blindfolded at times.
And when you first start to "get it" you tend to think that things are coming from
the opposite direction. People think, "I suck at this". Truth is they are starting to
get it. Also if we do this again, I will make a nicer one
and put it in a better spot. Will like make a grid around it to show movement better and
such... Better picture angles, all that.
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