Okay folks, here's another
ANTI-PHOTO EQUIPMENT suggestion you may enjoy-
Yes, once again a visit
to FVESCO here in Denver (Professional Hollywood "Film and Video Supply
Company") alerted me to the reality of the oh so necessary cost of a professional
fiberglass or carbon fiber microphone boom. This tool is a marvel of modern
engineering, and something no serious filmaker can afford to be without.
"Our company has researched
all the scientific parameters so that your modern microphone boom operates
in the most efficient and safe manner, causing a minimum in stress and the
utmost ease in your sound engineer's paws---- um, hands."
Please make out your
personal check for $350 for the 8 foot model, or $859 for the DELUXE 10
foot model.
First I ordered an Electrovoice
camera shoe microphone shock mount from B and H for $30. Of course, this
is a piece of plastic tubing with rubber bands on either end, and if I
wasn't so lazy I could have created the same thing from the hardware store
out of PVC tubing for about 25 cents.
Anyway, I fell for THAT
one , but then SWITCHED ON MY FRONTAL LOBES (see web site) and went
to Home Depot and bought for $19.95 a fiberglass extendable LIGHT BULB
I drilled out the end
of that, and installed the proper double end threaded bolt from the
hardware store- $1 using 1/8 tube of JB Weld super duper epoxy. I then
screwed my mike shock on the end of the tube---- (yes, it comes apart too)---