![]() An Easy Click There are two amygdalae in your brain, one
inside the left hemisphere of your brain and one inside the right
hemisphere, about one inch inside from the temples midway between your
eyes and ears. Point there with your fingers, now. Your brain is in fact
divided exactly in half, into two separate although connected right and
left halves called hemispheres. Each brain hemisphere gets its own
amygdala switch which controls and gives accurate feedback as to how well
and how well your brain is working.
These other structures shown here are other internal structures, the
brain's "limbic system" (the "mammal brain"), of which the amygdala is
part. Additionally, the amygdala is a gateway/switch that turns on the
most advanced part of your brain: the frontal lobes.
To get things working better (an understatement),
and to turn on limitless amounts of creativity, intelligence, and
pleasure, you need to click your amygdala forward and turn on "the other
90%" of your brain.
MEMORIZE the paragraphs above. Test yourself by writing down the key ideas on a separate
piece of paper- Backward, A, B, C, D; Forward, A, B, C, D.
The brain's advanced electrochemical circuits are controlled with
THOUGHT. To click your amygdala forward you don't need any
machines, gadgets, pills, nor do you need to sign up for expensive
retreats or courses.
Clicking your amygdala forward is like wiggling your finger. Only it
happens inside your brain instead of on the end of your arm. Do this:
wiggle your right index finger. Easy, isn't it? Okay, wiggle your left big
toe. Easy too? Now, locate your amygdala (see chart above). You click it
forward using your frontal lobes- IMAGINE that your amygdala is
like a click toggle switch- Now "click" the switch forward towards your
forehead. There! You did it. It's a thought process that changes how you
think, and how your brain works. Click it again. Smile!
Proper amygdala forward clicking is indicated by all kinds of
indicators, primarily positive emotional feedback: You feel good, a good
feeling that lasts. Other brain research studies dramatic and measurable
increases in intelligence and creativity by mastering control of this
key part of the brain.
A very helpful visualization is to imagine you have a feather, and that
you are tickling the front part of each amygdala. Tickle the front part of
your right amygdala and the front part of your left amygdala. Or left then
right, or both together (it doesn't matter). Whoooosh! Ha ha ha! Click!
That's it!
"Tickling" your amygdala (via abstract imagination)
AUTOMATICALLY causes it to click forward, at least momentarily.
This thought process will quickly and automatically begin to activate your
frontal lobes connections turning on the most advanced part of your brain.
Massive creativity, cooperative energy, intuition, logic will quickly
follow provided you keep it up. Imaging an amygdala tickle is the fastest
way that you can start clicking forward that we've found. It works from
the very first minute you try.
Keep tickling until you get the desired results and long lasting
positive emotional feedback. The effects are progressive and accumulative.
Clicking forward is VERY simple. That's why you use a feather
and not a sledgehammer. It is as easy as clicking on a light switch.
Click! Imagine your amygdala is a toggle click switch, and click it
forward. Click! By clicking on your imagination, you instantly send
electro-chemical brain energy to flow forward through your amygdala into
your infinite potential frontal lobes. These simple IMAGES of
tickling or clicking your amygdala forward turns the ignition key and
starts the frontal lobes engine. It primes the pump. It's the match the
lights the fireworks fuse.
Most people feel a slight sensation when they first click: a tingling
in the forehead; a giggly light feeling; a cessation of internal noise; an
automatic smile. A few see lights and hear sounds. Some feel a wave of
euphoria. Others sense sudden calm. (See Feedback page ) First time
clicking in a quiet secluded environment helps. Eventually it can be done
anywhere, anytime, any place.
Because this is a simple process, don't be mislead into thinking it
isn't powerful and that it won't help bring you the big results you're
looking for. You start the most powerful automobile or jet airplane
engines with the click of a single "on" switch- And it only takes a simple
click to get your brain started running at its' most efficient level.
![]() All you have to do is click forward to access these
natural advanced frontal lobes skills and watch them begin to grow.
Cooperation means working together. Imagination means
spontaneous unrestricted thought. Creativity means finding a new
way. Intuition means knowing deep down inside. Logic means
seeing how the pieces link together. (I think you've probably got the idea
now.) Once you've gained basic control of your amygdala click switch, your
CICIL skills grow and expand. You call upon an infinite variety of
abilities your brain creates to achieve your life goals and purpose.
You have a daily choice: Do you want to keep clicking backward into
primitive and miserable reptile self-defense/counterattack thoughts and
behaviors, or do you want to control your own amygdala, and click forward
into wonderful and effortless frontal lobes advanced whole Brain Magic?
What shall it be?
The concepts here are a summarization of
exceedingly complex workings of the human brain. However, by understanding
these few basic ideas, you gain superior PRACTICAL perspective and
control over your brain. Voila!! Congratulations!
On To: Neil Speaks to The Zone
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