Credit cards can be your worst nightmare come to life.
Instead of LIVING, you are lured by materialism and easy credit by which you are plucked like helpless fish from a barrel by some of America's largest financial fishermen. Your reptilian brain- that cannot plan, intuit, or logic it's way out of a shoebox- will have you credit-charging at impulse- and you will buy buy buy thinking you need all those glittering glamorous goodies that you are hypnotized into thinking will bring you lasting happiness. You are a victim of TV, newspaper and radio advertising magic, and peer pressure jealousy. Keep up with the Joneses till you drown in debt.
Bank after bank will send you inviting credit cards and applications- you will apply, rejoice in your acceptance- And then you will get screwed big time.
Banks that jack up their interest rates- double, even TRIPLE from what they promised to you in the beginning, for any excuse they can dream up-- backed up by big business government who has made such manipulation perfectly legal. Fees, and long drawn out payments-- have you end up paying far far more than what anything is worth. A hard lesson to learn- that you can get by with far less, and be far happier. A lesson, from which the bankers get rich for you to learn.
Some banks are clearly worse than others, greedier than others, worse at managing their assets than others, and instead of helping you - they will eat you alive and take advantage of you- their customer. Avoid dealing with these banks at all costs- if you have accounts with them- get out while you can, before its too late. Do business with the fair and good banks, and support fairness and good service. ALWAYS ask to talk with a supervisor if you don't get what you want from the initial customer service rep. If you do not get satisfactory help with one call--- call back, perhaps several times until you reach a cooperative supervisor.
Chase High interest, inflexible customer service.
Bank One Horror stories too numerous to mention.
THE BEST Bank of America Local Credit Unions
Questionable- Citibank can have some customer reps that will help you- and others that may not.
If you do not get satisfactory help with one call--- call back, perhaps several times until you reach a cooperative supervisor.