I'm still studying this
music very deeply, and four things seem most important:
1) The instructions for her method of composition
and arrangement are right there in the lyrics- plain as day. Exactly the
opposite of what they teach you at music school- (And she was a child
prodigy, sent to the music conservatory to study classical music at the
age of 5. Made her first album at 11.)
2) True Music (with a capital M) is not about
technique. Well, not nearly as much as you and I thought it was. This is
the biggest lesson here for me, and a HUGE lesson at that. I have been
hung up on technique for DECADES. That's why I say Vespertine is the most
important record I think I've ever heard. See #1. The album took me a
little bit of time to grasp because it really went against my in-grained
sense of what good music was. (Finally, a couple of weeks of on and off
listening- and after two weeks, with headphones and the lights out-- big
frontal lobes BIG BANG). Now, once that lesson is learned--- most of the
bulls**t and limitations drop away, and the possibilities then become
infinite, and you're free to play SOMETHING besides NOTES.
Miles had it very very right-- space is key. I don't think Coltrane ever
really got what he was saying. He just got more and more hung up on notes,
and I didn't find his music spiritual in the least near the end of his
career- but then, again, maybe you had to be there then.
3) Take what is expected, and turn it upside down,
and THEN make it musical. Be unpredictable.
If music fails to surprise you, take you someplace new-- it is
dead. That's why I can't listen to the radio or anyone else's music for
more than a few minutes these days--- I've heard it a million times
already, I've read that book. She's a pioneer in a land where everybody
else is just trying to be successful, or different alone. She's done a
great job of balancing chaos with beautiful melody.
Almost without exception, in every one of her recordings there is
something that has broken the mold, something of GREAT surprise and
unpredictability- the CHAOS FACTOR, and this breathes life into her music
that allows repeated listenings-- she tickles my frontals-- its a puzzle
I'm still figuring out. I would guess that most people don't even try---
they like Ensure Pre-Digested Music in a Can.
Her sense of melodic rhythm and interplay of various rhythmic elements
almost defies complete logic- often teetering on the edge of randomness-
but then she does exactly the same phrase again, and you realize it is
perfectly constructed and planned to be this way. And this makes it even
more beautiful.
4) Contrast, contrast, contrast. I think much of the
power of her music comes from sheer contrast of elements-- things you
don't think musical play against sweetly pure musical elements, and the
contrast makes the total more powerful.
This is all basic to
GOOD ART... and we have such little of that going around.
From the album Vespertine
A VERY frontal lobes piece of music.... you might substitute "click
forward" for "undo", but undo is beautifully poetic and simple
Here's the link to listen streaming Real Audio--- this is temporary,
because it's copyrighted music-
I just want to turn on Brain Explorers to this great musician
Here's the lyrics
Its not meant to be a strife
It's not meant to be a struggle uphill
You're trying too hard
Give yourself in
You're trying too hard
Its not meant to be a strife
Its not meant to be a struggle uphill
Its warmer now
Lean into it
Unfold in a generous way
Its not meant to be a strife
Its not meant to be a struggle uphill
I'm praying
To be
In a generous mode
The kindness kind
To share me
Quietly ecstatic
Its not meant to be a strife
Its not meant to be a struggle uphill
Undo if you're bleeding undo
If you're seating undo
If you're crying undo
Okay, here's another--- I prefer the live version on Live At Cambridge - a
mind blower.... but this studio cut ain't bad either...!
"All Neon Like"
Not 'til you halo all over me
I'll come over
Not 'til it shimmers 'round your skull
I'll be yours
I weave for you
The marvellous web
Glow in the dark threads
All neon like
The cocoon surrounds you
Embraces all
So you can sleep
And they will assist us
'Cause we're asking for help
And the luminous beam
It feeds you,
Henh-yeah!, henh-yeah
The soft distortion
Fills you up
Nourish nourish
Your turtleheart
And they will assist us
'Cause we're asking for help
And the luminous beam
It feeds you
Henh-yeah!, yeah!
Don't get angry with yourself
Don't, don't get angry with yourself
I'll heal you
With a razorblade
I'll cut a slit open
And the luminous beam
Feeds you honey, heals you
Don't get angry with yourself
I'll heal you, i'll heal you
luminous, i'll heal you