CLOUDBUSTING VIDEO #1This file takes 1 minute (28K modem) to COMPLETELY load and run- it will run faster when completely loaded. Read this page, then scroll back to the top to view it properly fast running. It will NOT work with the AOL browser- (I don't think). It should look like a very brief VIDEO when correctly loaded. See Get Netscape for a different browser. These gif files come directly from a video I made in my back yard with a cheap old video camera documenting this process. For some reason, it never occurred to me to put this process on tape until about 10 days ago. Guess it was because I thought the Art Bell audience would like some good proof of frontal lobes focused energy that they could see. So I grabbed this old camera from the basement, went in the backyard, and picked a TARGET AREA. I placed the cloud target area smack in the middle of the view finder and began to concentrate. Am I merely predicting the change of cloud formations as opposed to actually EFFECTING clouds? Clouds obviously change on their own without human intervention. But the ability to predict cloud vaporization in a specific and small area of the sky with better than random success is still quite an impressive feet that cannot be explained away. Further, its been well documented in the scientific research community that the role of the observer has a key and changing effect on the matter being observed- quantum physics. Further, it has been proved in laboratory double-blind tests, that this principal can be demonstrated on gross (larger) physical objects, and is not limited to observations on the atomic level. See: for documents on laboratory experiements. In this demonstration I picked an area of cloud that had been just sitting there for a good length of time, unaffected by wind, and chose to make a good hole right in the center of the viewfinder and leave cloud remaining on the edges. This sequential gif file, once it gets going, may at first look like the wind is blowing. It was not. This is focused frontal lobes energy churning up the target area and making the cloud vaporize. Look again- note, the clouds around the edges of the frame stay put- there is no wind moving the cloud across the camera viewfinder- the cloud in the target area is vaporized and disintegrates where it sits. The cloud area outside the target area is left intact. I did not practice this for "a good tape", or make multiple videos- What you are seeing are the first and the only two takes (second one below) I made- there were no practice runs. This worked on the very first attempt, and then immediately after on the next attempt. Although on your computer screen, what appears to be a cloud a few inches across on your monitor is actually a cloud a half mile across or more. So, viewing this on my own computer I am only somewhat impressed. When YOU do this for yourself, after learning how to click your own amygdala forward and direct your own frontal lobes energy- THAT is impressive. When you see huge clouds YOU PICK OUT YOURSELF vanish, when you do it YOURSELF- then you'll make a very impressive connection with your own brain! The actual entire cloudbusting in each segment took only 3 minutes each, and was reduced to a dozen gif file animated frames here for convenience. Go outside and see how long clouds hang in there- they usually don't disappear in a few minutes time, if this is all just coincidence- it's one lalapalooza of one! PS Here's an email I received 7/8/98:
From The Society For Cloud Preservation, We here at SFCP hope that you will take a few moments and realize the error of your ways. Every thing within the universe is imbibed with conscious contact with the universal. Each cloud you KILL , yes KILL, not only is giving up this contact willingly, But also...... Gotcha!
Another email:
You are