Please click this link for streaming Real Audio original brain music soundtrack for this short tour- Equatorial Regions.
Once again, my favorite (and the favorite of many of you also) season has arrived-- Here in Denver, fall is at it's PEAK--- this means, a few days of potential brain stimulation that comes only once a year, and lasts at most, under a week. After that----pooof! It always snows on Halloween. At this time, a walk outside in Mother Nature-- among the trees, outside under a blue sky, in pleasantly cool air-- affords you stimulation to your sights, smells, senses, that DIRECTLY and POWERFULLY shunts your amygdala full force forward into Cosmic Connected Wisdom- with hardly an effort on your part- Mother Nature will do all the work, just walk under a few trees, kick up a few leaves, take a deep breath, skim the clouds, and
Again, this past week the scene was a pure riot of hallucinogenic color-- cobalt blue sky, wild rolling pink clouds, shimmering gold locust trees, flaming red maple trees, emerald and jade spruce and fir trees, brown dirt road--- I couldn't keep my brain from !POPPING! had I tried. Human problems? Ha!! Insignificant dust specks on the Universal Canvas Although the Fall Brain Blast is an external fix for your internal brain state- and not a replacement for regular brain self-control- it's still a doozy. So, Brain People, put on your sneakers and go for a Fall Brain Blast while you can. Clicking forward in October is as simple as tying your shoelaces-- don't let this chance pass you by......till then, enjoy my photos and music of my own walk today- though better you do it yourself in 4 Dimensions..... For those interested, this recent batch of photos was taken with a Sony DSC-S75 3.3 Megapixel camera, reduced to about 50K and 500 pixel width per photo for fast easy web viewing. (These photos are actually capable of very large enlargement without pixilation if needed.) NOTE: ALL COLORS AS SHOWN ARE ACTUALLY AS THEY APPEARED TO MY EYE AND ACCURATE REPRESENTATIONS OF THESE TRUE COLORS IN NATURE- this particular Sony camera is exceptional in reproducing true color vibrancy and saturation, with minimal tweaking. The photos beginning with "Twins", in part two from last year were taken with a Sony TRV20 camcorder, with a 1.1 Megapixel still image facility. Feel free to share these photos, with a simple link or mention of this site: The Amazing Brain Music Adventure (This will help get others interested in the Brain Revolution, and it is excellent brain energy/karma input if you do so). Later, Neil (All photos and music (c) Neil Slade 2000 and 2001) These 2001 Fall Brain Blast Photos were primarily taken at two locations in Denver, Colorado: Historic Fairmount Cemetery on the edge of town, and in my own neighborhood in central Denver. contrasted against a blue sky and cirrus clouds thousands of feet above.
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