Modern Keyboard with a touch of Flute and Sax





Samples from the "Mind Music" album 

Cool Whip low bandwidth Real Audio

MIND MUSIC Sample Real Audio mono quick load

Intense rockin' Brain Music Homer's Canteloupe! Real Audio



"Neil, Mind Music Rocks!!!!"   - Craig Simpson, ISM, Boulder, CO


The samples above are low bandwidth for quick download, and the MP3 version for download is in GLORIOUS Mind Blowing full bandwidth stereo, and sounds quite incredible (especially with headphones).




Click this to understand "What is Brain Music?"  


Click for Brain Music Video Short 

You may need to RIGHT click and "Save Target" 


"My mom first bought me a piano when I was 5 years old. It was a big upright Kohler and Campbell, made around 1890, and she got it for $50. And it worked. I messed around with it all the time I was growing up, but only got REAL SERIOUS when I got into high school and started listening to Frank Zappa. Then I started to compose music on it. 

Eventually, I was writing tons of music for the piano and the synthesizer, and had formed a few music groups. By 1982, I had recorded a piano solo album (Piano Impressions From Another Dimension) and an album of jazz (Invisible Music). Since I was living in Denver, Colorado, home of the National Western Stock Show, neither of these creations made me very rich or famous.

Around 1986 or so, I had lots of compositions that sounded great on solo keyboard, and I was also then the proud owner of a DX7 Yamaha synthesizer. This is a pretty amazing sounding instrument with huge potential. I sat down for a month or so, and recorded my best keyboard pieces, in the comfort of my living room, away from the pressures and time constraints of an outside studio.

It is forty-five minutes of assorted but coherent, energetic, musical styles, jazzy, classic, rockin'. John McLaughlin meets Stravinsky kind of thing. It is NOT to be confused with "light jazz" or Kenny G easy listening music- ALTHOUGH it is EASY and enjoyable to listen to.

I play a little flute and sax on the album as well, having overdubbed the parts.

I've been playing concerts for twenty-five years playing the music from Mind Music, such as at The Gerald Ford Amphitheater, The US Air Force Academy (blew their minds) and still do, but at the time of its' release it didn't receive the kind of reception that groups like Duran Duran were getting. And we listen to them ALL THE TIME NOW, right?"

Mind Music is heartily recommended, along with The Frontal Lobes Handbook, by the national publication Bloomsbury Review and other national sources, and hundreds of thousands (or more) people have heard selections from the album the music via national radio and the web.



Mind Music The timeless BRAIN MUSIC SuperCharge for your Mind/Spirit/Brain/Body. Phenomenal World Class musicianship here, jazz/classic electric keyboards delightfully seasoned with a bit of flute and sax. Pure Brian Music Power, sophisticated and energetic, Mind Music plugs your brain into the Essential Universal Music Vibe Connection. You will love listening to this CD in the car, at home, entertaining your guests and friends... Perhaps the best instruMENTAL music you'll ever hear this side of Venus. 11 tracks, approx. 45 minutes, that you'll enjoy for the rest of your life. The CD is $7.95 in a cool clear scallop shell case,

This CD is music that will make your brain smile


  and PAYPAL - Simple and 100% secure 


To order the CD version with the cool color label and unique poly-unbreakable scallop case for $7.95 sent to you by first class domestic mail postage included
(added postage for our actual extra postage for International mail only)
Click the button below to order:


For ALL the Brain Music albums see: 


The AMAZING Brain Adventure


*          *          *



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Download Accelerator works with Internet Explorer and all other browsers. If you are using any other download manger that also integrates into the browser, it might interfere with integration of the Download Accelerator Plus however, so....

To re-enable the triggering/integration of Download Accelerator Plus, open the "Option/Configuration" screen, and in the "General" section first uncheck then re-check the "Browser Integration" option for your browser and then restart the browser and the download process, listing the various connections through which the file segments are being downloaded. You might need to do this even after a fresh install.

When you first use DAP set the following options-

In the TOOLBAR, open the OPTIONS TAB: the select GENERAL, and check mark the browsers that you use, either IE or Netscape. Use advanced triggering.

Open the SAVE TO button and select or create the FOLDER where you want your files saved.

Open the CONNECTION button and choose the correct connection speed for your web connection.

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