Temperature Experiment
Here's this week's brain experiment. My friend Eric Allen Vincent and I decided the temperature is just too darn low this week. In so much as these frigid temperatures will likely kill some homeless people stuck out on the street, we thought that maybe adding +10 to the forecast temperatures might save a few lives over the next couple of days. Could we be screwing something up by messing with the weather? Not if we include cosmic instructions while we are forward amygdala clicking to only facilitate non-harmful consequences of our action- it's that simple. First, do no harm.
Below is the five day forecast starting this evening. We will see if the two of us alone can affect an increase soon at this local level. However, all Brain Explorers are welcome to join us in our efforts. Daily temperatures to be
posted as they occur- you never know till you try, could be fun to watch. - Neil
Five Day Weather24 Forecast updated at 11:42am MST on Tuesday, December 22, 1998.
For Denver, Colorado:
Tuesday :Hi: 17°F
Lo: -6°F
Hi: 18°F,
Lo: -2°F
Thursday: Hi: 26°F,
Lo: 5°F
Hi: 40°F,
Lo: 15°F
Hi: 45°F,
Lo: 21°F
Wednesday night- Cold as anything!! (Hey, I'll be the first to admit when something doesn't work!) High Wed. 10, Low, -16 Hmmmm, this appears to be a no go. Well, you can't blame a guy for trying....
- Neil