For most consumers, satisfactory and quite adequate results can be had with many cameras in the 1 to 2 megapixel range, and will produce good size computer photos similar to those following, and 5X7 paper stills. Even smaller 600X900K REALLY cheapo cameras will produce photos good enough for the web, provided you don't try to enlarge them too much. Decent photo editing software is very useful, with the Adobe Elements being tops for around $60 (easily found on sale), and other slightly not as good programs found cheaper or even for free. (Elements and Photoshop LE allows very accurate tweaking of individual colors which is inevitable for profesional or best quality photo images, ESPECIALLY necessary with the cheaper less accurate cameras.)
There is a lot of BAD and WRONG information out there regarding digital cameras. SO-
These are the absolute BEST, TRUTHFUL, and most CONSCIENSIOUS sites I have found to date
comparing digital cameras and their images:
Steve's Digicams
Imaging Resource (Make sure and try this site's
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